chef tamara

Posts Tagged ‘pork butt’

Cocinando: Got Some Extra Butt?

In cocinando on July 11, 2008 at 12:33 PM

So what to do with such a large butt? And you do know I mean the pork butt we smoked a while back, right? ‘Cause let’s not get personal and start judging each others’ butts. That’s an entirely different blog buddy!


So one way to improvise and take leftovers and kick ’em up a notch (unintentional ode to Emeril there) is by doing what we like to do every now and then with chili and other toppings; we make LOADED POTATOES.

BAM! 😉

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Cocinando: Smoked Butt

In cocinando on June 27, 2008 at 12:05 AM

Our butt smokes. Or do we smoke butts. Ha! Ha! Get it? Okay. Guess not.

Back to cooking…


At our second BBQ Smoking session, moncheoPR smoked a Pork Butt, some Beef Ribs, and baked beans. The beans?!?! Why not? Give us fruit and we’ll smoke it. Water? Sure, why not?! Hell, we want to smoke Ice Cream base and see if it works.

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